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Larry Friedman— Celebrating 10 Years of Chicago Tai Chi Classes

  • Tai Chi

Celebrating 10 Years of Chicago Tai Chi
Larry Friedman

2022 marks our 10th Anniversary at Chicago Tai Chi.

Over that decade, we've delivered over 6,500 Tai Chi and Qigong classes and private lessons. That's a lot of Tai Chi and Qigong to celebrate!

As part of the celebration, I caught up recently with Chicago Tai Chi Student Larry Friedman.

Larry started Tai Chi training back in January 2012, in our very first class.

And he's kept coming back. For 10 years!

Larry's Tai Chi story offers powerful motivation for anyone thinking about starting, or getting back to, Tai Chi.

Here's an edited transcript of our conversation.

Larry Friedman and I at the Studio, celebrating 10 years of Chicago Tai Chi.

Q: Larry, congratulations on 10 years of Tai Chi! How cool is that!

Before we get into your Tai Chi story, tell us a little about your background.

Larry: Glad to. I grew up in the suburbs, and have lived downtown, in Printer's Row for 30+ years, with my wife Susan and son Loren. Loren is now a sophomore at Carleton College.

I'm a Vice President at the American Institutes for Research, where I've worked by 11 years. My team's work focuses on educational research, mainly for federal government, state and local governments, and foundations.

I have a PhD in Philosophy from the University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana, and a Masters in Education from Northwestern University.

Q: What led you to start Tai Chi 10 years ago?

Larry: I was turning 60 and never really developed an exercise routine that stuck. Going to a gym or pounding the pavement or sweating it out in a fitness class never felt right for me.

At the same time, I wasn't getting any younger. Intellectually, I understood the importance of physical activity for healthy aging. I wanted to turn that knowledge into action.

Then I saw an announcement for your first Tai Chi classes. I thought, "I'll give this a try."

Q: Fast-forward 10 years. What keeps you coming back?

Larry: Tai Chi filled a void, or really, multiple voids, in my life. It became my exercise, my hobby, my meditation.

Tai Chi has helped my physical fitness and overall health immensely. You talk about achieving "vibrant health." That's exactly what I feel from Tai Chi.

I move better. My legs and hips are stronger. My posture is better. I have fewer aches and pains. My whole body is more relaxed. My mind is more calm and quiet.

I always feel better after a Tai Chi or Qigong session. Both my body and mind.

There's more that keeps me coming back. I'll get to that in a bit. What's your next question.

Q: What have you learned over 10 years of Tai Chi and what's your main focus now?

Larry: Another thing that keeps me coming back to Chicago Tai Chi is the quality and variety of the material.

I started with the 27 Move Wu Style Short Form. A wonderful first form to learn. Then I added Qigong sets like Dragon & Tiger Qigong and Opening the Energy Gates Qigong.

Tai Chi and Qigong helped me explore what the Chinese call "Qi" or internal energy. I've learned how to feel that energy in my body and work with it in ways that support my health and wellness.

Then I got into the Wu Style Long Form, my main practice now.

The Long Form is a sophisticated series of movements that takes about 20 minutes to do. It includes kicks, spins, strikes, and a whole syllabus of martial techniques, all performed in the slow, smooth, low-impact way you practice Tai Chi.

It works my whole body deeply. It challenges me. I love it!

Larry enjoying a Chicago Tai Chi class in Arrigo Park.

Q: What do you say to people that ask about trying Tai Chi?

Larry: I tell them, "Do it!"

Tai Chi delivers a complete exercise for the body and mind. It has depth and detail to keep you engaged and progressing for many years.

Plus, because it's low impact, it's the perfect exercise for older adults.

Thanks to Tai Chi and Qigong, I'm moving better at 70 than I was at 60, and I'm not kidding.

Q: That's wonderful. Anything else you want to add?

Larry: Yes, a couple things.

I've always been a pretty cerebral guy, spending most of my time in my head. Tai Chi and Qigong have helped me connect to my body in ways I never had before.

It's fascinating to feel your body on a consistent basis. And, it helps you be more in tune with helps your body and supports our health.

Connecting to my body has led me to feel more connection to what's around me. Feeling more connected to the world around me feels like positive change.

Finally, something else that keeps me coming back to Chicago Tai Chi— the quality of the experience.

The instruction is professional, creative, light-hearted, with lots of personal attention to help people progress. Hey, I study education so I'm particularly tuned into that.

And the community's great. I've met wonderful people, and love seeing my Tai Chi friends in class.

Q: That's wonderful. Anything else you want to add?

Larry: Yes, a couple things.

I've always been a pretty cerebral guy, spending most of my time in my head. Tai Chi and Qigong have helped me connect to my body in ways I never had before.

It's fascinating to feel your body on a consistent basis. And, it helps you be more in tune with helps your body and supports our health.

Connecting to my body has led me to feel more connection to what's around me. Feeling more connected to the world around me feels like positive change.

Finally, something else that keeps me coming back to Chicago Tai Chi— the quality of the experience.

The instruction is professional, creative, light-hearted, with lots of personal attention to help people progress. Hey, I study education so I'm particularly tuned into that.

And the community's great. I've met wonderful people, and love seeing my Tai Chi friends in class.

Chris Cinnamon, JD, MS
Certified Exercise Physiologist
Head Instructor
Author, Tai Chi for Knee Health

At Chicago Tai Chi, we help you Move Your Body, Clear Your Mind, and Achieve Vibrant Health.

For more info on how you can join us, click here.

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